
Table of Contents

  1. About me
  2. > Enter name.
  3. > Try again.
  4. > Examine room.
  5. > Zel: Retrieve backpack.
  6. > Zel: Examine contents of backpack.
  7. > Captchalogue iPhone.
  8. Zel: Examine House of Leaves.
  9. > Zel: End webpage.

About Me

A short, dark haired character with an upzipped hoodie and sweats standing in a room. To their right is a bookcase, and to their right is a mirror. They stand in front of a door. The image is entirely two-toned, being only black and white with the exception of the blue can icon on the character's shirt. On the can is a black star symbol. The expression on the character's face is similar to a smiling cat. The GIF loops, showing them looking back and forth between in front of them and the camera.

A young student stands in their bedroom. They've just arrived home from school, and they're looking forward to working on their assignment for IT.

Unfortunately, they need to know their name for this project. What is this student's name?

> Enter Name.

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Enter name.

The same image as before, now zoomed in on the characters face. Above them is a text bar. The name Brian Smith is typed into it. After a second, it pixelates and changes to the words Not quite! in bright red text. As the text pixelates, the characters face changes to an expression of a mix of disgust and frustration.

I mean, close, but that isn't this student's name. You should see the other guy.

> Try again.

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Try again.

The GIF starts off with the same thing as the last GIF. Instead ZEL ■■■■■■■ is typed in. A green checkmark flashes next to it and the character's expression turns to a happy smile.

> Examine room.

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Examine room.

The character is now shown in their room, the camera zoomed out to show it in full. Stage right is a two-rowed bookcase with a double-doored closet next to it. The same mirror as before is now shown next to a vanity desk, which is next to a dresser. In the corner closest to the camera is a bed with the head facing the camera and a side table next to it. On the wall with the desk is a variety of posters, specifically a MyHouse.WAD poster, a House of Leaves poster, and a Gravity Falls poster.

Your name is ZEL. As previously mentioned, you have a school project to work on. A variety of PAPERS scattered around your room. You have a variety of ridiculously niche INTERESTS. You have a passion for FICTION PODCASTS. You would like to be a BUG COLLECTOR, despite your parents' rejections. You have a fondness for ILLUSTRATION, ANIMATION, WRITING, and COSPLAYING. For the past year, you have been independently developing a VISUAL NOVEL GAME. You have a pet cat named PEPPER. You also like to READ sometimes.

What will you do?

> Zel: Retrieve backpack.

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Zel: Retrieve backpack.

A new panel. The same character is shown at a bust view with their arms stretched downwards off-screen, shifting them back and forth in a searching motion. After a second, they pull up a backpack from off-screen and hold it up triumphantly, their expression changing from neutral to excited.

What? There's no back-

Oh. It was out of frame. That sure was convienent for the artist.

> Zel: Examine contents of backpack.

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Zel: Examine contents of backpack.

A new panel. The backpack is now shown with the flap open in the bottom right corner. From left clockwise, the following items are shown floating above the backpack: A copy of House of Leaves, a phone in a mint blue case with a person charm by the ringer button and a hercules beetle and a crying pou charm by the left speaker, a red Canson sketchbook, and a laptop with a rainbow heart sticker in the corner.

In your bag, you keep a variety of NERDY ITEMS. Carrying these things in any other enviornment would probably get you relentlessly bullied, but luckily you go to a NERD SCHOOL.


For now, you decide to grab your COPY OF HOUSE OF LEAVES and your SKETCHBOOK.

> Zel: Captchalogue iPhone.

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Zel: Captchalogue iPhone.

The same character as before now stands slightly further from the door. They hold their phone and look down at it with a frown. Up in the top right corner shows a close-up of the phone screen, which is turned off and has a massive crack in the lower center. The character then turns on the phone, showing the screen being mostly blacked out except for a handful of rows of pixels at the top.

Yeah, you'd do that, except that your cat PEPPER broke your phone the other day. No real point in wasting a SYLLADEX slot on it.

> Zel: Examine House of Leaves.

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Zel: Examine House of Leaves.

A closeup of the House of Leaves book.

It's your FAVORITE BOOK. You have been HYPERFIXATED on the book for the past few months. You like to carry it wherever you go as a sort of accessory. It makes you feel cool.

> Zel: End webpage.

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Zel: End webpage.

UGH im too lazy for this sorry

What? No, you can't just end the webpage like that. C'mon, you can do a bit mor-

> Webpage over. Byebye ^_^

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